Why YEA!?
If you would like to start and run your own business, the Young Entrepreneurs Academy is the place for you!
The Young Entrepreneurs Academy is an amazing class that teaches you how to actually start and run your own REAL business or social movement! It’s really cool. You come up with a Big Idea, the instructor will help you discover what are you great at doing, and what do you love to do, and where that intersects with a business opportunity. You create a real business plan, pitch your plan to a panel of investors, get REAL funding, and actually launch your own, REAL, company!
Over 7,700 students have launched more than 5,100 real businesses and non-profits, cool inventions, and fun ideas! YEA! students have been featured in national magazines, TV shows, on the news and in the local papers—this is the real deal! And it’s not only about business—YEA! kids are starting organizations that are doing everything from teaching English to kids in foreign countries to reducing our carbon footprint—really world-changing stuff.
You’ll Have The Opportunity To:
- Turn your passions and talents into a real business
- Learn from legendary entrepreneurs
- Perfect Your Elevator Pitch
- Develop Your Brand by Creating a Company Logo and Website
- Meet & Greet with Members of the Media (maybe even get on TV!)
- Learn To Manage Business Expenses and Income
- Learn About Different Types of Business Structures
- Get the Real Deal on Taxes
- Meet a Social Entrepreneur
- Write a real business plan
- Get a Business Bank Account
- Learn About Government Resources
- Go on Cool Business Field Trips
- Get a Professional Style Makeover
- Learn About Franchises
- Learn About the Business of Sports
- Register Your Business at the County Clerk’s Office
- Compete for Scholarships and Prizes at the Saunders Scholars Competition
- Sell Your Products at a Trade Show
- Meet Other Awesome Entrepreneurs and Network, Network, Network
- Make A Profit!