Academy Models

The Young Entrepreneurs Academy is offered in three models, each site will select the model (or create a custom model) that works best for their community.

YEA! Signature Model

The signature YEA! model is the after school enrichment program, hosted on a university or college campus. In this model the class meets one day per week, for three hours, typically from 4pm-7pm, keeping in mind this class is for middle and high school students in grades 6-12. Students attend YEA! from November to May and the class does not meet during school vacation and holiday breaks.

The campus sets the tone, and prestige for the class.  Students sit-up a little straighter in their seats knowing they are on a college campus.  Legendary entrepreneurs serve as the instructors, guest speakers, field trip hosts and business mentors.

YEA! In-School Elective

YEA! can also be offered as an in-school, credit-bearing, elective course, customized to fit into block or non-block scheduling.  The in-school credit-bearing elective provides the school district the opportunity to offer a new, exciting, high-impact course with a national college scholarship competition component built-in, with the curriculum, lesson plans, teacher tools and course management tools fully developed.  YEA! provides teacher training and on-going weekly support, included in all of our models.

YEA! After School Program

In the after school and in-school model, the school district may elect to partner with the local Chamber of Commerce to recruit business leaders and entrepreneurs as guest speakers and mentors for the Academy.  In the after school and in-school models, the Chamber of Commerce may cover program costs, including student books, field trip transportation, etc., and work to raise sponsorship dollars to off-set those costs. Both Academy models offer the school district the opportunity to assume as much “ownership” as makes sense. From the role of Communication Champion, communicating information during the student recruitment phase and highlighting student successes throughout the academic year, to electing the Program Licensee role.

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